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Câu 9 Unit 9 Trang 82 Sách Bài Tập (SBT) Tiếng Anh 8

Bình chọn:
3.3 trên 6 phiếu

In what situations should we do the followings? Match a situation with a suitable what-to-do list.

In what situations should we do the followings? Match a situation with a suitable what-to-do list.

Trong tình huống nào thì chúng ta làm những việc dưới đây? Nối mỗi tình huống với 1 từ thích hợp.




Broken Bones

Bites and Scratches



What-to-do lists:

1. _______________________________

– Stay calm and reassure your child.

– With your child upright in a chaừ or in your lap, tilt hịs or her head slightly forward.

– Gently pinch the nose (just below the bony ridge) with a tissue or clean washcloth.

2. ________________________________

– Remove the child from the heat source.

– Remove clothing from the bumed area immediately.

– Do not apply butter, grease, powder, or any other remedies to the bum, as these increase the risk of infection.

3. ________________________________

– Rinse the wound thoroughly with water to clean out dirt and debris.

– Then wash the wound with a mild soap and rinse thoroughly. (For minor wounds, it isn’t necessary to use an antiseptic solution to prevent iníection, and some can cause allergic skin reactions.)

– Cover the wound with a sterile adhesive bandage or sterile gauze and adhesive tape.

4. ________________________________

– If the injury involves your child’s neck or back, do not move him unless the child is in imminent danger. Movement can cause serious nerve damage.

– Phone for emergency medical help. If your child must be moved, the neck and back must be completely immobilized first.

– Keeping your child’s head, neck, and back in alignment, move the child as a unit.

5. ________________________________

– Hold the tooth by the crown (the top), not the root.

– Rinse the tooth immediately with saline solution or milk. (Tap water should be used only as a last resort; it contains chlorine, which may damáge the root.) Do not scrub the tooth.

– See a dentist right away or visit a local children’s hospital – most also have dental services for children.

6. ________________________________

– If the bite or scratch wound is bleeding, apply pressure to the area with à clean bandage or towel until the bleeding stops. If available, use clean latex or rubber gloves to protect yourself from exposure to another person’s blood.

– Dry the wound and cover it with sterile gauze or a clean cloth.

Hướng dẫn giải 

1. Nose bleeding

2. Burns

3. Bleeding

4. broken bones

5. Tooth

6. Bites and Scratches.

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>> Học trực tuyến lớp 9 & lộ trình Up 10! trên Tuyensinh247.com Đầy đủ khoá học các bộ sách (Kết nối tri thức với cuộc sống; Chân trời sáng tạo; Cánh diều), theo lộ trình 3 bước: Nền Tảng, Luyện Thi, Luyện Đề. Bứt phá điểm lớp 9, thi vào lớp 10 kết quả cao. Hoàn trả học phí nếu học không hiệu quả.

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