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Writing - trang 26 Unit 3 Sách Bài Tập (SBT) Tiếng anh 10 mới

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Tổng hợp các bài tập trong phần Writing - trang 26 Unit 3 Sách Bài Tập (SBT) Tiếng anh 10 mới

1.  Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the sentence provided.

Hoàn thành câu thứ hai để nó có ý nghĩa giống như câu được cung cấp.

1. Linh has a great natural singing ability.

    She is a ____________________ 

2. He has an intense desire for music.

    He is _______________________ 

3. This singer is known by many people.

     This singer_________________ 

4.Within a short time, the teen supersta’r debut album sold more than one billion copies.

    Within a short time, the teen supersta’r debut album_______________ 

5.The girl is uncomfortable in the company of others.

   The girl is  _____________ 

Đáp án:

1. She is a talented / gifted singer.

2. He is passionate about music.

3. This singer is popular.

4. Within a short time, the teen superstar's debut album got the platinum award.

5. The girl is shy.

2.Write a biography of about 150 words, using the facts below.

Viết tiểu sử khoảng 150 từ, sử dụng các sự kiện dưới đây.

•   Name: Michael  Jackson  

•   Born: 1958, started in the music business at age 11 as a member of the Jackson  5.

•  Typical works: sold estimated 750 million records worldwide, released  13  No.1  singles, was              inducted twice into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

• Important achievenents: recognized as the Most Successful Entertainer of All Time; Thriller (1982) was name the Biggest Selling Album pf All Time; won 13 Grammy Awards; received the American Music Award’s Artist of the Century Award.   

• Died: 2009

• Conclusion: Career  as the King of Pop, transformed the face do pop music popular culture.


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