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Language Focus- Unit 7 trang 53 Sách bài tập (SBT) Tiếng Anh 11

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Hướng dẫn giải Language Focus- Unit 7 trang 53 Sách bài tập (SBT) Tiếng Anh 11


Exercise 1. Practise reading the following words, paying attention to the cluster of consonants /kl/, /gl/, /kr/, /gr/, and /kw/.

Thực hành đọc các từ sau đây, chú ý đến các âm tiết /kl/, /gl/, /kr/, /gr/và /kw/.

clinic                          grand                   quantity                struggle               clock

glow                           creek                    close •                  groom                 glory

crowded                      graceful                quick                    angle                   quickly

quiet                           quartz                   grab                     crane                   creature

Exercise 2. Write the words in Exercise I which contain sounds /kl/, /gl/, /kr/, /gr/, and /kw/ in their correct columns below.

Viết các từ của bài tập 1 vào đúng cột theo phát âm của nó. 































Hướng dẫn giải 


























Exercise 3: Put the words in brackets into the correct form. Add "ll/will" or "'d/would" if neccessary. 

Đặt những từ trong ngoặc về dạng đúng. Thêm "ll/will" hoặc "'d/would" nếu cần.

1. If someone (walk)_______________ in here with a gun, I’d be very frightened.

2. I’m sure she (understand)_________________ if you explain the situation to her.

3. He always (complain)_________________ if I’m late.

4. If he spoke more clearly, we (understand)___________________ him.

5. If you (ask)______________ me, I would explain it to you.

Hướng dẫn giải 

1. walked                       2. will understand              3. complains

4. would understand       5. asked

Exercise 4. Rewrite the sentences, using conditional type 3.

Viết lại những câu sau, sử dụng câu điều kiện loại 3 


He didn’t listen to his parents. He failed at the exam.

If he had listened to his parents, he wouldn V have failed at the exam.

1. The thief left his gloves at the scene. He was arrested.


2. I didn’t know you were coming to Hanoi. That’s why I went on holiday.


3. She walked to the meeting. She was late.


The woman didn’t say what she wanted. I put the phone down.


They didn’t arrive in time. They didn’t see the ceremony.


Hướng dẫn giải 

1. If the thief hadn’t left his gloves at the scene, he wouldn’t have been arrested.

2. If I had known you were coming to Hanoi, I wouldn’t have gone on holiday.

3. If she hadn’t walked to the meeting, she wouldn’t have been late.

4. If the woman had said what she wanted, I wouldn’t have put the phone down.

5. If they had arrived jn time, they would have seen the ceremony.

Exercise 5. Write about what would have happened if you hadn't done the things you regret.

Viết xem điều gì sẽ đã xảy ra nếu bạn đã không làm những điều bạn hối tiếc. 

Example: If I hadn 7 told my mother about the party, she wouldn 7 have been so annoyed with me.

Exercise 6. Change the following conditional sentences into reported speech.

Chuyển những câu điều kiện dưới đây thành câu gián tiếp. 

1. “If you happen to see the man, send my regards to him,” he said to the girl.

2. “I wouldn’t have been upset if she had written to me earlier,” the man said.

3. “The boss would complain if we didn’t report it to him,” David said to his colleagues.

4. “Mum would be cross if you went on doing like this,” the girl said to her younger brother.

5. “If you had taken your dad’s advice, you wouldn’t have made such a silly mistake,” the mother said to her son.

Hướng dẫn giải 

1. He said to the girl (that) if she happened to see the man, send his regards to him.

2. The man said (that) he would not have been upset if she had written to him earlier.

3. David said to his colleagues that the boss would have complained if they hadn’t reported it to him.

4. The girl said to her younger brother that their mum/mother would have been cross if he had gone on doing like that.

5. The mother said to her son (that) if he had taken his dad’s/father’s advice, he wouldn’t have made such a silly mistake.

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