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Speaking - trang 20 Unit 8 Sách bài tập (SBT) Tiếng Anh 11 mới

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Tổng hợp các bài tập trong phần Speaking - trang 20 Unit 8 Sách bài tập (SBT) Tiếng anh 11 mới

1    Choose the best option to complete the following sentences.

Chọn tùy chọn tốt nhất để hoàn thành các câu sau đây.

1. I suggest ______

A. visit Thien Mu Pagoda

B. to visit Thien Mu Pagoda

C. visiting Thien Mu Pagoda

2, How about ______  ?

A. explore Paradise Cave

B. exploring Paradise Cave

C. to explore Paradise Cave

3. Why don't we ______?

A. go there by train

B. to go there by train

C. going there by train

4. Let's ______

A. seeing the relics from the excavation site

B. to see the relics from the excavation site

C. see the relics from the excavation site

5. How do you feel about  ______ ?

A. climb the highest mountain in the area

B. climbing the highest mountain in the area

C. to climb the highest mountain in the area

Đáp án:

1.C          2. B            3. A           4. C           5. B

2     Number the sentences in the correct order to make a conversation.

Đánh số các câu đúng thứ tự để thực hiện cuộc trò chuyện.

a. Well, it sounds interesting. How should we get there?

b. But Hue is so far away from here, and we only have two days. I'm afraid we will spend most of the time travelling. Why don't we visitTrang An Scenic Landscape Complex?

c. It is both a natural and cultural site, so there will be something for everyone to see.

d. There is a coach which starts at six in the morning. It can take us right to the site.

e. I'd like to suggest visiting the Complex of Hue Monuments. There are a lot of things to do and to see there

f. What's special about this heritage site?

g. OK, let's suggest this site to our class teacher. I hope he likes the idea.

h. Where shall we go on our next field trip?

Đáp án:

1. h           2. e           3. b          4. f

5.c            6. a           7.d           8. g

3    Work in pairs. Make a similar conversation to decide on the heritage site you both want to visit.

Làm việc theo cặp. Thực hiện một cuộc trò chuyện tương tự để quyết định địa điểm di sản mà cả hai bạn muốn ghé thăm.


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