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Câu 5 Unit 12 Trang 104 Sách Bài Tập (SBT) Tiếng Anh 8

Bình chọn:
4.1 trên 7 phiếu

Study the following situations. Then use the cues to make proper invitations, acceptances and declines.

Study the following situations. Then use the cues to make proper invitations, acceptances and declines.

Nghiên cứu các tình huống sau đây. Sau đó, sử dụng các cụm từ để thực hiện lời mời phù hợp, chấp nhận và từ chối.

a) Quyen went to the USA. Her friend Mrs. Smith invited her to stay at her home. Mrs. Quyen refused because her accommodation was included in the ticket price. Then Mrs. Smith invited Mrs. Quyen to have dinner with her and Mrs. Quyen accepted the invitation.


Mrs. Smith: Would you like to come and stay with us while you’re in town? (Invitation)

Mrs. Quyen: That’s very kind of you, but we’re Corning on a tour. Our accommodation is included in the ticket price. (Decline)

Mrs. Smith: Then you must come over for dinner one night. (Invitation)

Mrs. Quyen: Yes, we’d love to but we’ll only be in town for three nights. We leave on the 28th.

Mrs. Smith: Are you free on Tuesday evening?

Mrs. Quyen: No, I’m going out that night, but I’m not busy the following evening. (Acceptance)

b) You are going to have your birthday party on the weekend. You have invited Doan Trang, one of your new friends. She accepted your invitation.

You: ______________________________________________ .

Doan Trang: _________________________________________ .

c) Minh is going to the canteen now. He has invited Tuan to go with him. However, Tuan had to go and see his teacher.

Minh: _____________________________________________ .

Tuan: _____________________________________________ .

d) There will be a soccer game at the stadium on Saturday evening. You have invited your íriend to go to the match with you. He was very happy to accept your invitation.

Ỵou: ______________________________________________ .

Your friend: _________________________________________ .

e) Your father has invited his friend’s family to go to the restaurant to celebrate their graduation day. His friend accepted the invitation.

Your father: ____________________________________________ .

Your father’s friend: _______________________________________ .

f) Quan has invited Nhu Hoa to go to the cinema this evening. Nhu Hoa refused the invitation because of her homework.

Quan:_________________________________________________ .

Nhu Hoa:____________________________ Hướng dẫn giải ___________________ .

a) Mrs. Smith: Would you like to come and stay with us while you’re in town?

Mrs. Quyen: That’s very kind of you, but we’re coming on a tour. Our accommodation is included in the ticket price.

Mrs. Smith: Then you must come over for dinner one night.

Mrs. Quyen: Yes, we’d love to but we’ll only be in town for three nights. We leave on the 28th.

Mrs. Smith: Are you free on Tuesday evening?

Mrs. Quyen: No, I’m going out that night, but I’m not busy the following evening.

b) You: Would you like to come to my birthday party on the weekend?

Doan Trang: Yes, I’d love to.

c) Minh: Do you feel like going to the canteen with me now?

Tuan: I’d love to, but I must go and see my teacher.

d) You: Let’s go to the soccer match on Saturday evening.

Your friend: That’s a good idea.

e) Your father: I’d like to invite you and your family to ABC restaurant to celebrate our graduation day this Saturday evening. Are you free to go?

Your father’s friend: I’d love to come. See you then.

f) Quan: Do you feel like going to the cinema with me tonight?

Nhu Hoa: That sounds interesting, but I’m busy doing my homework. Another time, perhaps?

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